How do I input a square of odd numbers between 1 and 99?

Response to:

import sys
import os
import numpy as np

#get range of numbers 1 to 99
number = np.arange(100)
#create an empty list
numberSquares = []

print("This is a list of your odd numbers in range 1 to 99:")
for n in np.nditer(number.T):
     if n % 2 != 0:
        exponent = n*n 

print("This is a list of the squares of your odd numbers in range 1 to 99:")
for a in numberSquares:

print("This is a list of the squares of the numpy number array: ")

print("This is the sum of the squares of the numpy number array: ")

print("This is the square of the sum of the number numpy array:")


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