C++ – Geometry Application


// Name        : Geometry Application

// Description : 3A User inputs length and width for rectangle 1 and rectangle 2

//              : Then the program will output rectangle 1 and 2 area

//              : Then the program will determine which area is greater or

//             : equals each other

//              : 3B User inputs answer to two random numbers. If answer is

//              : correct then

//              : message is displayed

//              : otherwise the message is displayed that the answer is

//              : incorrect with

//              : the correct answer

//              : 3C user is presented with a menu to calculate circle radius,

//              : rectangle area,

//              : and triangle area, or to quit the program. User selects an option

//              : and inputs values

//              : program returns the calculation


// Status      : Complete

// Date        : September 12 2020


#include <iostream>

#include <cmath>

#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main() {


        * Assignment 3A

        * Areas of a Rectangle

        * The area of a rectangle is the rectangle’s length times its width

        * Write a program that asks for the length and width of two rectangles

        * The program should tell the user which rectangle has the greater area,

        * or if the area is the same


        * 1. First Var > Second Var

        * 2. First Var < Second Var

        * 3. First Var == Second Var


       //Output assignment number

       cout << “This is Assignment 3A:” << endl << endl;

       //add efficiency to select three options

       int threeACounter =0;

       //since there are three scenarios loop through logic three times

       while( threeACounter <3){

              //post increment counter


              //declare rectangle length 1

              double rectangleLength1;

              //declare rectangle width 1

              double rectangleWidth1;

              //declare rectangle length 2

              double rectangleLength2;

              //declare rectangle width 2

              double rectangleWidth2;

              //get user input for length for rectangle 1

              cout << “Please input rectangle 1 length: “;

              cin >> rectangleLength1;

              //get user input for width for rectangle 1

              cout << “Please input rectangle 1 width: “;

              cin >> rectangleWidth1;

              //get user input for length for rectangle 2

              cout << “Please input rectangle 2 length: “;

              cin >> rectangleLength2;

              //get user input for width for rectangle 2

              cout << “Please input rectangle 2 width: “;

              cin >> rectangleWidth2;

              //calculate rectangle 1 area

              double rectangleArea1 = rectangleLength1 * rectangleWidth1;

              //output rectangle 1 area

              cout << “This is the Rectangle Area: ” << rectangleArea1 << endl;

              //calculate rectangle 2 area

              double rectangleArea2 = rectangleLength2 * rectangleWidth2;

              //output rectangle 1 area

              cout << “This is the Rectangle Area: ” << rectangleArea2 << endl;

              if(rectangleArea1 > rectangleArea2){

                     cout << “Rectangle 1 is greater than Rectangle 2” << endl << endl;


              else if(rectangleArea2 > rectangleArea1){

                     cout << “Rectangle 2 is greater than Rectangle 1” << endl << endl;


              else if(rectangleArea1 == rectangleArea2){

                     cout << “Rectangle 1 equals Rectangle 2” << endl << endl;




        * Assignment 3B

        * Modify your Assignment 2C as described below

        * This is a modification of Programming Challenge 15 from Chapter 3.

        * Write a program that can be used as a math tutor for a young student.

        * The program should display two random numbers that are to be added such as:

        *     147

        * +129

        * _____

        * The program should wait for the student to enter the answer

        * If the answer is correct, a message of congratulations should be printed

        * If the answer is incorrect, a message should be printed showing the correct

 * answer


       //Output Assignment Number

       cout << “Assignment 3B” << endl << endl;

       const int MIN = 50;

       const int MAX = 450;

       //get the system time

       unsigned seed = time(0);

       //see the random number generator


       //generate two random numbers

       //two scenarios counter

       int threeBCoutner = 0;

       while(threeBCoutner < 2){

              //post increment


              int randomNumber1 = MIN + rand() % MAX;

              int randomNumber2 = MIN + rand() % MAX;

              int summedRandomNum = randomNumber1 + randomNumber2;

              int yourAnswer;

              cout << ”   ” << randomNumber1 << endl;

              cout << ” + ” << randomNumber2 << endl;

              cout << “————–” << endl;

              //userinput answer

              cout << “Please enter your answer: ” << endl;

              cin >> yourAnswer;

              if(yourAnswer == summedRandomNum){

                     cout << “Your answer is: ” << yourAnswer <<endl;

                     cout << “Congratulations!!”<<endl;


              else {

                     cout << “Your answer is: ” << yourAnswer << endl;

                     cout << “The answer is incorrect!” << endl;

                     cout << “This is the correct answer: ” << summedRandomNum << endl;




        * Assignment 3C:

        * Write a program that displays the following menu:

        * Geometry Calculator

        * 1. Calculate the area of a circle

        * 2. Calculate the area of a rectangle

        * 3. Calculate the area of a triangle

        * 4. Quit


        * Enter your choice 1-4


        * If the user enters 1 the program should ask for the radius of a circle

        * and then display the area.

        * area = 3.1459 * radius squared


 * If the user enters 2 the program should ask for the length and width of the

 * rectangle

        * and then display the rectangle’s area. Use the following formula:

        * area = length * width


        * If the user enters 3 the program should ask for the length of the

 * triangle’s base and its height,

        * and then display its area. use the following formula:

        * area = base * height * .5


        * if the user enters 4 the program should end


        * input validation: display an error message if the user enters a number

 * outside of the range

        * of 1 through 4 when selecting an item from the menu

        * Do not accept negative values for the circle’s radius, the rectangle’s

 * length or width,

        * or the triangel’s base or height



       //output assignment number

       cout << “\n\nThis is assignment 3C:” << endl <<endl;

       //create the menu


       string menu = “Geometry Calculator \n 1. Calculate the area of a circle \n 2. Calculate the area of a rectangle \n 3. Calculate the area of a triangle \n 4. Quit \n Enter your choice 1-4 \n”;

       cout << menu;

       int yourChoice;

       cin >> yourChoice;

       cout << endl;

       if(yourChoice >=1 && yourChoice <=4){

              if(yourChoice == 1){

                     double circleRadius;

                     //calculate radius of circle

                     //formula to calculate: area = 3.1459 * radius squared

                     cout << “What is the radius of the circle?” << endl;

                     cin >> circleRadius;

                     if(circleRadius > 0){

                           const double PI = 3.14159;

                           double circleArea = PI * pow(circleRadius,2.0);

                           cout << “This is the area of the circle: ” << circleArea << endl;



                           cout << “Circle Radius cannot be less than 0.” << endl;



              else if(yourChoice == 2){

                     //calculate rectangle

                     double length, width, recArea;

                     cout << “Please insert length: ” << endl;

                     cin >> length;

                     cout << “Please insert width: ” << endl;

                     cin >> width;

                     if(length > 0 && width > 0){

                           recArea = length * width;

                           cout << “This is the area: ” << recArea << endl;



                                  cout << “Rectangle length or width cannot be less than 0.” << endl;



              else if(yourChoice == 3){

                     //calculate area of triangle

                     //area = base * height * .5

                     double base,height, triArea;


                     cout << “Please insert the base: ” << endl;

                     cin >> base;

                     cout << “Please insert the height: ” << endl;

                     cin >> height;

                     if(base > 0 && height > 0){

                           triArea = base * height * .5;

                           cout << “This is the triangle Area: ” << triArea << endl;



                                  cout << “Triangle base or height cannot be less than 0.” << endl;



              else if(yourChoice == 4){

                     //program should end

                     cout << “Goodbye!!”;

                     return 0;




                     cout << “Invalid choice please try again!” << endl;

                     goto thisStart;



              char goAgain;

              cout << “Do you want to go again? (y/n)” << endl;

              cin >> goAgain;

              if (goAgain == ‘y’){

                     goto thisStart;


              else if(goAgain == ‘n’){

                     cout << “Goodbye!!”;

                     return 0;



                     cout << “\nInvalid go again choice…your options are either y or n”;

                     goto goAgainGoAgain;


       return 0;


Assignment 3 OUTPUT

3A-1. First Var > Second Var

Test Data:

#1: 30 * 30 = 900

#2: 25 * 25 = 625

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

3A-2. First Var < Second Var

Test Data

#1: 25 * 25 = 625

#2: 30 * 30 = 900

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

3A-3. First Var == Second Var

Test Data

#1: 25 * 25 = 625

#2: 25 * 25 = 625

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

3B-1: answer is incorrect

Input Data: any number

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

3B-2: answer is correct

Input Data: calculate sum on calculator to get the correct answer

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

3C-1-a: select option 1, then invalid negative input for radius variable

Test Data: -2

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

3C-2-b: select option 1, then positive input for radius

Test Data: 2

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

3C-2-a: select option 2, then invalid negative input for length

Test Data: Length = -1 | Width = 1

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

3C-2-b: select option 2, then invalid negative input for width

Test Data: Length = 1 | Width = -1

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

3C-2-c: select option 2, then positive input for length and width

Test Data: 2 | 2

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

3C-3-a: select option 3, then positive value for base, then input negative value for height

Test Data: base = 2 | height = -2

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

3C-3-b: select option 3, then negative value for base, then input positive value for height

Test Data: base = -2 | height = 2

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

3C-3-c: input positive value for height and base

Test Data: base = 2 | height = 2

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

3C-4-a: input number less than 1 for selection

Test Data: -1

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

3C-4-b: input number greater than 4 for selection

Test Data: 5

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

3C-5: input option 4 for goodbye


// Name        : Geometry Application

// Author      : Zack Maher

// Description : 3A User inputs length and width for rectangle 1 and rectangle 2

//              : Then the program will output rectangle 1 and 2 area

//              : Then the program will determine which area is greater or

//             : equals each other

//              : 3B User inputs answer to two random numbers. If answer is

//              : correct then

//              : message is displayed

//              : otherwise the message is displayed that the answer is

//              : incorrect with

//              : the correct answer

//              : 3C user is presented with a menu to calculate circle radius,

//              : rectangle area,

//              : and triangle area, or to quit the program. User selects an option

//              : and inputs values

//              : program returns the calculation


// Status      : Complete

// Date        : September 12 2020


#include <iostream>

#include <cmath>

#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main() {


        * Assignment 3A

        * Areas of a Rectangle

        * The area of a rectangle is the rectangle’s length times its width

        * Write a program that asks for the length and width of two rectangles

        * The program should tell the user which rectangle has the greater area,

        * or if the area is the same


        * 1. First Var > Second Var

        * 2. First Var < Second Var

        * 3. First Var == Second Var


       //Output assignment number

       cout << “This is Assignment 3A:” << endl << endl;

       //add efficiency to select three options

       int threeACounter =0;

       //since there are three scenarios loop through logic three times

       while( threeACounter <3){

              //post increment counter


              //declare rectangle length 1

              double rectangleLength1;

              //declare rectangle width 1

              double rectangleWidth1;

              //declare rectangle length 2

              double rectangleLength2;

              //declare rectangle width 2

              double rectangleWidth2;

              //get user input for length for rectangle 1

              cout << “Please input rectangle 1 length: “;

              cin >> rectangleLength1;

              //get user input for width for rectangle 1

              cout << “Please input rectangle 1 width: “;

              cin >> rectangleWidth1;

              //get user input for length for rectangle 2

              cout << “Please input rectangle 2 length: “;

              cin >> rectangleLength2;

              //get user input for width for rectangle 2

              cout << “Please input rectangle 2 width: “;

              cin >> rectangleWidth2;

              //calculate rectangle 1 area

              double rectangleArea1 = rectangleLength1 * rectangleWidth1;

              //output rectangle 1 area

              cout << “This is the Rectangle Area: ” << rectangleArea1 << endl;

              //calculate rectangle 2 area

              double rectangleArea2 = rectangleLength2 * rectangleWidth2;

              //output rectangle 1 area

              cout << “This is the Rectangle Area: ” << rectangleArea2 << endl;

              if(rectangleArea1 > rectangleArea2){

                     cout << “Rectangle 1 is greater than Rectangle 2” << endl << endl;


              else if(rectangleArea2 > rectangleArea1){

                     cout << “Rectangle 2 is greater than Rectangle 1” << endl << endl;


              else if(rectangleArea1 == rectangleArea2){

                     cout << “Rectangle 1 equals Rectangle 2” << endl << endl;




        * Assignment 3B

        * Modify your Assignment 2C as described below

        * This is a modification of Programming Challenge 15 from Chapter 3.

        * Write a program that can be used as a math tutor for a young student.

        * The program should display two random numbers that are to be added such as:

        *     147

        * +129

        * _____

        * The program should wait for the student to enter the answer

        * If the answer is correct, a message of congratulations should be printed

        * If the answer is incorrect, a message should be printed showing the correct

 * answer


       //Output Assignment Number

       cout << “Assignment 3B” << endl << endl;

       const int MIN = 50;

       const int MAX = 450;

       //get the system time

       unsigned seed = time(0);

       //see the random number generator


       //generate two random numbers

       //two scenarios counter

       int threeBCoutner = 0;

       while(threeBCoutner < 2){

              //post increment


              int randomNumber1 = MIN + rand() % MAX;

              int randomNumber2 = MIN + rand() % MAX;

              int summedRandomNum = randomNumber1 + randomNumber2;

              int yourAnswer;

              cout << ”   ” << randomNumber1 << endl;

              cout << ” + ” << randomNumber2 << endl;

              cout << “————–” << endl;

              //userinput answer

              cout << “Please enter your answer: ” << endl;

              cin >> yourAnswer;

              if(yourAnswer == summedRandomNum){

                     cout << “Your answer is: ” << yourAnswer <<endl;

                     cout << “Congratulations!!”<<endl;


              else {

                     cout << “Your answer is: ” << yourAnswer << endl;

                     cout << “The answer is incorrect!” << endl;

                     cout << “This is the correct answer: ” << summedRandomNum << endl;




        * Assignment 3C:

        * Write a program that displays the following menu:

        * Geometry Calculator

        * 1. Calculate the area of a circle

        * 2. Calculate the area of a rectangle

        * 3. Calculate the area of a triangle

        * 4. Quit


        * Enter your choice 1-4


        * If the user enters 1 the program should ask for the radius of a circle

        * and then display the area.

        * area = 3.1459 * radius squared


 * If the user enters 2 the program should ask for the length and width of the

 * rectangle

        * and then display the rectangle’s area. Use the following formula:

        * area = length * width


        * If the user enters 3 the program should ask for the length of the

 * triangle’s base and its height,

        * and then display its area. use the following formula:

        * area = base * height * .5


        * if the user enters 4 the program should end


        * input validation: display an error message if the user enters a number

 * outside of the range

        * of 1 through 4 when selecting an item from the menu

        * Do not accept negative values for the circle’s radius, the rectangle’s

 * length or width,

        * or the triangel’s base or height



       //output assignment number

       cout << “\n\nThis is assignment 3C:” << endl <<endl;

       //create the menu


       string menu = “Geometry Calculator \n 1. Calculate the area of a circle \n 2. Calculate the area of a rectangle \n 3. Calculate the area of a triangle \n 4. Quit \n Enter your choice 1-4 \n”;

       cout << menu;

       int yourChoice;

       cin >> yourChoice;

       cout << endl;

       if(yourChoice >=1 && yourChoice <=4){

              if(yourChoice == 1){

                     double circleRadius;

                     //calculate radius of circle

                     //formula to calculate: area = 3.1459 * radius squared

                     cout << “What is the radius of the circle?” << endl;

                     cin >> circleRadius;

                     if(circleRadius > 0){

                           const double PI = 3.14159;

                           double circleArea = PI * pow(circleRadius,2.0);

                           cout << “This is the area of the circle: ” << circleArea << endl;



                           cout << “Circle Radius cannot be less than 0.” << endl;



              else if(yourChoice == 2){

                     //calculate rectangle

                     double length, width, recArea;

                     cout << “Please insert length: ” << endl;

                     cin >> length;

                     cout << “Please insert width: ” << endl;

                     cin >> width;

                     if(length > 0 && width > 0){

                           recArea = length * width;

                           cout << “This is the area: ” << recArea << endl;



                                  cout << “Rectangle length or width cannot be less than 0.” << endl;



              else if(yourChoice == 3){

                     //calculate area of triangle

                     //area = base * height * .5

                     double base,height, triArea;


                     cout << “Please insert the base: ” << endl;

                     cin >> base;

                     cout << “Please insert the height: ” << endl;

                     cin >> height;

                     if(base > 0 && height > 0){

                           triArea = base * height * .5;

                           cout << “This is the triangle Area: ” << triArea << endl;



                                  cout << “Triangle base or height cannot be less than 0.” << endl;



              else if(yourChoice == 4){

                     //program should end

                     cout << “Goodbye!!”;

                     return 0;




                     cout << “Invalid choice please try again!” << endl;

                     goto thisStart;



              char goAgain;

              cout << “Do you want to go again? (y/n)” << endl;

              cin >> goAgain;

              if (goAgain == ‘y’){

                     goto thisStart;


              else if(goAgain == ‘n’){

                     cout << “Goodbye!!”;

                     return 0;



                     cout << “\nInvalid go again choice…your options are either y or n”;

                     goto goAgainGoAgain;


       return 0;


Assignment 3 OUTPUT

3A-1. First Var > Second Var

Test Data:

#1: 30 * 30 = 900

#2: 25 * 25 = 625

3A-2. First Var < Second Var

Test Data

#1: 25 * 25 = 625

#2: 30 * 30 = 900

3A-3. First Var == Second Var

Test Data

#1: 25 * 25 = 625

#2: 25 * 25 = 625

3B-1: answer is incorrect

Input Data: any number

3B-2: answer is correct

Input Data: calculate sum on calculator to get the correct answer

3C-1-a: select option 1, then invalid negative input for radius variable

Test Data: -2

3C-2-b: select option 1, then positive input for radius

Test Data: 2

3C-2-a: select option 2, then invalid negative input for length

Test Data: Length = -1 | Width = 1

3C-2-b: select option 2, then invalid negative input for width

Test Data: Length = 1 | Width = -1

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

3C-2-c: select option 2, then positive input for length and width

Test Data: 2 | 2

3C-3-a: select option 3, then positive value for base, then input negative value for height

Test Data: base = 2 | height = -2

3C-3-b: select option 3, then negative value for base, then input positive value for height

Test Data: base = -2 | height = 2

3C-3-c: input positive value for height and base

Test Data: base = 2 | height = 2

3C-4-a: input number less than 1 for selection

Test Data: -1

3C-4-b: input number greater than 4 for selection

Test Data: 5

3C-5: input option 4 for goodbye

About the Author

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