C++ – MPG Application


// Name             : MPG Application

// Description      : 1A calculates the miles per gallon by taking in a car’s total //                    : to be driven on a full tank of gas

//                  : and the total gallons of gas that a car’s tank can contain

//                  : 1B calculates the total income generated from Class A, Class B,

//                  : and Class C tickets by multiplying the

//                  : ticket sales of each class by the number of

//                  : tickets sold and summing the final income amount

//                  : 1C is a math tutor program that randomly generates two numbers //                   : and sums them together, waits for a user to

//                  : press a key and returns the output

// Status           : Complete

// Date             : August 22, 2020


#include <iostream>

//setprecision requires iomanip

#include <iomanip>

//rand requires cstdlib

#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main() {


        * Assignment 1A

        * Miles per Gallon

        * Write a program that calculates a car’s gas mileage.

        * The program should ask the user to enter the number of gallons a car can

 * hold,

        * and the number of miles it can be driven on a full tank.

        * It should then display the number of miles that may be driven per gallon of

 * gas


       //Output Assignment Number

       cout << “Assignment 1A” << endl << endl;

       //calculate miles per gallon

       //miles per gallon (mpg) =

       //miles a car can be driven on a full tank / number of gallons of gas a car

// can hold

       //Variable for miles driven the car can be driven on a full tank of gas

       double totalMilesDriven;

       //Variable for number of gallons of gas a car can hold

       double totalGallonsOfGas;

       //input total miles driven

       cout << “Please enter the number of miles your car can be driven on a full tank of gas::: “;

       cin >> totalMilesDriven;

       //cout << endl;

       //input total gallons of gas

       cout << “Please enter the number of gallons your car’s gas tank can hold::: “;

       cin >> totalGallonsOfGas;

       //cout << endl;

       //calculate miles per gallon

       double milesPerGallon = totalMilesDriven / totalGallonsOfGas;

       //output milesPerGallon

       cout << “This is miles per gallon (mpg) for your car: ” << milesPerGallon << endl << endl;


        *Assignment 1B

        *Stadium Seating

        *There are three seating categories at a stadium.

        *For a softball game, Class A seats cost $15, Class B seats cost $12, and

 *Class C seats cost $9. Write a program that asks how many tickets for each


        *were sold, then displays the amount of income generate from ticket sales.

        *were Format your dollar amount in fixed-point notation, with two decimal places of

        *precision, and be sure the decimal point is always displayed


       //Output Assignment Number

       cout << “Assignment 1B” << endl << endl;

       //Class A Cost

       float classACost = 15.00;

       //Class B Cost

       float classBCost = 12.00;

       //Class C Cost

       float classCCost = 9.00;

       //Number of Class A Tickets Sold

       float numClassATickets;

       //Number of Class B Tickets Sold

       float numClassBTickets;

       //Number of Class C Tickets Sold

       float numClassCTickets;

       //User Input for how many Class A tickets were sold

       cout << “How many Class A Tickets were sold?: “;

       cin >>numClassATickets;

       //User Input for how many Class B tickets were sold

       cout << “How many Class B Tickets were sold?: “;

       cin >>numClassBTickets;

       //User Input for how many Class C tickets were sold

       cout << “How many Class C Tickets were sold?: “;

       cin >>numClassCTickets;

       //calculate the total tickets sold

       //Total Class A Tickets Sold = Class A Price * Number of Class A Tickets Sold

       float TotalClassATickets = classACost * numClassATickets;

       //Total Class B Tickets Sold = Class B Price * Number of Class B Tickets Sold

       float TotalClassBTickets = classBCost * numClassBTickets;

       //Total Class C Tickets Sold = Class C Price * Number of Class C Tickets Sold

       float TotalClassCTickets = classCCost * numClassCTickets;

       //Output Class A Tickets Sold

       cout << “This is the Income Generated from Total Class A Tickets Sold: $”;

       cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << TotalClassATickets << endl;

       //Output Class B Tickets Sold

       cout << “This is the Income Generated from Total Class B Tickets Sold: $”;

       cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << TotalClassBTickets << endl;

       //Output Class C Tickets Sold

       cout << “This is the Income Generated from Total Class C Tickets Sold: $”;

       cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << TotalClassCTickets << endl;

       float finIncomeTotal = TotalClassATickets + TotalClassBTickets + TotalClassCTickets;

       //Output the total ticket sales

       cout << “This is the total ticket sales of all Classes for the softball game: $”;

       cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << finIncomeTotal << endl << endl;


        * Assignment 1C

        * Write a program that can be used as a math tutor for a young student.

        * The program should display two random numbers to be added such as:

        *      247

        * + 129

        * The program should then pause while the student works on the program.

        * When the student is ready to check the answer, he or she can press a key

 * and the

        * program will display the correct solution

        *   247

        * + 129

        * ______

        *   376


       //Output Assignment Number

       cout << “Assignment 1C” << endl << endl;

       int randomNumber1 = rand();

       int randomNumber2 = rand();

       int summedRandomNum = randomNumber1 + randomNumber2;

       cout << ”   ” << randomNumber1 << endl;

       cout << ” + ” << randomNumber2 << endl;

       cout << “————–” << endl;



       cout << summedRandomNum << endl;

       return 0;


Screenshots from 1A, 1B, and 1C:

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